RPI Vehicle Speed Test

Small but powerful

What's going on here?

We decided to keep an eye on the speed motorists are traveling when they pass in front of our corporate office. We have integrated a Raspberry PI with an inexpensive camera and software to track their actions.

The camera is facing south and was not affixed to a mount. We pinned the camera to a piece of cardboard and taped it to a window. We have verified that the images of vehicles traveling west are within 1 mph of actual speed. There are issues with the vehicles traveling east because of our cardboard/tape situation. The polygon we drew to measure speeds was not aligned perfectly with the road. It was slightly higher on that end and as a result the vehicles are actually traveling 4-9 mph faster than recorded. As you can see in the third image on the carousel we may also have an issue when multiple vehicles enter the frame. We hope that the heating oil truck is actually going 25mph when the car behind it enters the frame. It remains a work in progress.


  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
  • Element14 Camera V2
  • Raspbian
  • OpenCV
  • Python